Saturday, August 18, 2012


Red pen

Photograph by Gabriela Insuratelu.

In the Aug. 16 ?Prog Spring,? David Weigel described Patrick Moraz, a keyboardist for Yes, as Dutch. He was Swiss.

In the Aug. 15 ?Politics,? David Weigel misspelled the last name of Providence Mayor Angel Taveras.

In the Aug. 14 ?Human Nature,? William Saletan misspelled the last name of Pittsburgh police officer Stephen Mayhle.

In the Aug. 14 ?Prog Spring,? David Weigel named Bill Bruford as the founding drummer of the band Asia. The drummer was Carl Palmer.

In an Aug. 14 "Science," Carl Zimmer stated that the journal Nature would add badges to scientific papers that have been replicated. Nature is instead planning to link to relevant replication studies published elsewhere.

In an Aug. 14 "Slatest," Elizabeth Hewitt misspelled the first name of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as well as the first name of Riad Hijab, the former Syrian prime minister.

In an Aug. 14 "Slatest," Jeffrey Bloomer misspelled Richard Dawkins' last name.

In an Aug. 13 ?Culturebox,? Alice Gregory misstated the name of Simon de Pury as Phillip de Pury. (The name of the auction house is Phillips de Pury.)

In an Aug. 13 "Politics," David Weigel accidentally referred to 2008 when describing the results of the 2010 congressional elections.

In an Aug. 13 ?Moneybox,? Matthew Yglesias cited an erroneous report that Paul Ryan had engaged in insider trading as a member of Congress after meeting with officials from George W. Bush?s administration about the financial crisis. Ryan?s trades occurred before he met with the Bush administration officials.

In an Aug. 8 "Faith-Based," Jeffrey Yoskowitz incorrectly referred to the man overcome with devils as a legion. He also stated that Jesus transmitted the devils to a swineherd instead of a herd of swine.

In an Aug. 8 ?Five-Ring Circus,? Sarah Lyall originally failed to include attribution for a quote from Iceland President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson. The quote was given to Time magazine.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you've seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our comments sections at the bottom of each article.


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