Saturday, April 7, 2012

Worst Ad Agency Websites - Business Insider

Ad industry people frequently gripe that clients get in the way of truly great work. But as it turns out, when ad agencies are in the client seat they can be guilty of the same.

Take ad agency websites, for example.?

An agency site is supposed to give basic information about the company, its history, examples from its portfolio, and contact information.?And since designing websites its something that almost all agencies do for their clients, it should also be an example what they can do when given complete creative freedom.

It should be an example of its best work.?After all, if an agency can't effectively sell itself, how can it do that for its clients?

But the truth is, most agency web sites are mediocre. A very few are truly horrible,

We looked at more than 50 websites of the top ad agencies in the U.S and the U.K. to identify the most common screwups.

(Note: Tomorrow we'll publish our list of the best and most innovative ad agency websites.)

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