Friday, March 23, 2012

Can anyone give me some career advice PLEASE ...

March 22nd, 2012

Can anyone give me some career advice PLEASE?

Question by lover ? Can someone give me career advice PLEASE
I can not decide if I want to be a lawyer or a producer in Hollywood so do you think it would be a good idea to go to college, something major in business / law related and minor in film and then after college, go to law school and try to get a job as a producer and then try to become a producer and if I can not, become a lawyer? Also, do you think it would be a good idea to be a lawyer and try to produce on the side? Everyone says that the legal field is overcrowded and law graduates are struggling to get a response emploi.Meilleure :
Answer by

Stop. Take a deep breath and clear your esprit.Maintenant imagine yourself in 10 years? Who are you and want you to do? This is the direction you should move What is your happiness? What brings you joy? What you lose track of time doing? Do what you love, money suivra.Ne not worry so much already to fail. Failure is an important part of the learning process. The key goes with it: learning and progresser.Dans the same time ? education ? go to the combination of ?hard? and ?I?m good at? what feels right for you. Go to the best school and the best program you can afford confortablement.Vous can also read some books (or at least scan them) What do I do with my life by Po BronsonDe What Color Is Your Parachute by Bolles RichardLe Souls Code by James HillmanRebel Without A Crew by Robert RodriguezMon first movie: twenty celebrated directors talk about their first film

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